First Door Company on the Internet

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Exterior Doors, Entry Doors, Wood Doors, Garage Doors. Competitors Try But Cannot Beat our Prices.

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Pre-Hung Doors Make Installation a Breeze!

There was a time when all doors had to be separately hung by a finishing carpenter. Each unit would take hours to measure and install the door, the frame, and the hinge and door latch placement. One mistake and a new part had to be replaced or cut to make the pieces fit properly. Nick´s Building Supply has a better solution.

Factory Built Pre-Hung Doors

Each door unit is assembled with the doorframe, door, sidelights, and hardware properly fitted in the frame. The threshold, astragal, brick mold, flush bolts, and sidelights are also attached! The installation is easy and quick. Caulk is supplied to make it weatherproof. Pre-hung doors are available as a pocket door, a single door, a double door and doors with sidelights.

Shipping Made Easy

The exterior unit is pre-hung and crated with protective shock absorbing styrofoam to protect the door and assembled parts from damage during transit. Interior doors are knocked down to allow more doors to fit in one crate, achieving savings in shipping costs. Shipping is available anywhere in the United States and Canada.

Vast Variety of Styles and Finish Options

Nick´s Building Supply has an incredible array of pre-hung doors for exterior and interior use. The low prices include wood choices and a lifetime warranty. Prices quoted are for unfinished products. Factory pre-finishing is an additional option.

Odd Door Opening?

Need to replace an existing door? No problem! Nick´s offers custom pre-hung doors that will fit your opening. Home renovation could not be easier.


We Make Custom Entry Doors and Glass Very Reasonable Pricing too! Call us for a quote 1-219-663-2279

Chicagoland Wood Doors Showroom is Open in Crown Point, Indiana - Dealers Welcome

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( doors only)

door hinges
Finishing and Staining
for your Wood Doors

wood door finishing
Handlesets, Levers
Locks and Deadbolts

door handles
Interior Casing
Baseboard, Crown and more

interior casing
Is your door
Right or Left Handed?

Operable Sidelights
Venting Sidelites

Operable Sidelites
3 Point Locks - Multi-point Door Locking System
multipoint locks
Measure Your Doors
Rough Opening

Measure Your Doors
Nick's Building Supply, Inc.
11100 Broadway Crown Point, IN 46307
● Phone: 219-663-2279
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