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Shaker Style Interior Doors - Mission Style Interior Doors
Shaker Glass Doors - Mahogaany Interior Shaker Doors

Beautiful Mahogany wood shaker doors, mission doors, five panel interior doors and 1 panel interior shaker doors.
The Shaker Style Interior French Doors are available with clear glass, frosted glass or rain water glass

Free Pre-hung Jambs with every Interior Wood Doors
Interior Casing and Base
Mahogany Interior Casing and Baseboards
We Have Door Handles
Interior Door Knobs and Levers

Mahogany 5 Panel Shaker Doors
 Shaker Interior Doors
6' 8" Only $468 Pre-hung
8' 0" Only $593 Pre-hung

1' 6" = (18")
2' 0" = (24")
2' 4" = (28")
2' 6" = (30")
2' 8" = (32")
3' 0" = (36")

Double Doors (x2)
includes free ball catches

 Shaker Interior 5 Panel
mahogany interior shaker door in commercial office
shaker mahogany door and bi-fold doors

Mahogany Shaker Glass Doors
Interior Shaker Glass Doors
6' 8" Only $593 Pre-hung
8' 0" Only $725 Pre-hung

2' 0" = (24")
2' 6" = (30")
3' 0" = (36")

Glass Styles:
Clear Glass, Frosted Glass
Reeded Glass, Seedy Glass

Double Doors (x2)
includes free ball catches

reeded glass interior doors Seedy Glass

interior bi-pass shaker doors with reeded glass
1 Panel Mahogany Shaker Doors
1 Panel Mahogany Interior Shaker Doors
6' 8" Only $468 Pre-hung
8' 0" Only $593 Pre-hung

1' 6" = (18")
2' 0" = (24")
2' 4" = (28")
2' 6" = (30")
2' 8" = (32")
3' 0" = (36")

Double Doors (x2)
includes free ball catches

1 Panel Mahogany Shaker Door Closeup
Primed Jambs
are Included
Free Prehung

Primed Interior Jambs
Poplar Jambs
6' 8" add $30
8' 0" add $40

poplar flat jamb with stop
Mahogany Jambs
6' 8" add $20
8' 0" add $30

Mahogany Interior Door Jambs with Stops
Rabbet Jambs
6' 8" add $65
8' 0" add $99

Poplar Rabbet Jamb
Ball-bearing Hinges
Polished Brass, Antique Brass, Antique Nickel
Limited Quantities of 4" Hinges (1 3/4" thick doors)

Free 4" hinges
Oil Rubbed Bronze
Oil Rubbed Bronze Hinges
Satin Nickel
Satin Nickel Interior Hinges
Antique Bronze (3.5 only)
Antique Copper Hinges
Mahogany Shaker Style Fire Doors
Fire Rated
Fire Rated Exterior Doors
5 Panel Shaker design

$967 ea Pre-hung*
2' 8" x 6' 8" = (32")
3' 0" x 6' 8" = (36")

$1144 ea Pre-hung*
2' 8" x 8' 0" = (32")
3' 0" x 8' 0" = (36")

all fire doors are 1 3/4" thick

*4 9/16" Exterior Mahogany Jambs.
(larger jambs available)*
3" Brick-Mold included
Intumescent Seals
20 minute UL & Whi Approved
USA and Canada Tags

all doors priced Pre-hung un-finished*
Modern Mahogany Interior Casing
Modern Mahogany Interior Casing

Modern Poplar Casing and Base
Shaker Flat Casing and Base
Click for All Casing and Baseboards

Shaker Door in Natural Finish Interior Shaker French Doors Frosted Glass interior mahogany shaker doors 5 panel  Custom Stained Interior Shaker Doors 5 lite interior shaker door with seedy water glass Painted shaker doors mahogany interior shaker door frosted glass  NY condo replacement
*Pre-hung includes:
4 9/16" Engineered Pre-Primed Jambs with yellow zinc color hinges.

Mahogany Jambs: add $20/$30 for 4 9/16" (4 7/8" and 6 9/16" also available)

Poplar Rabbeted Jambs: 6' 8" ($65 4 9/16" and $85 6 9/16"), 8' 0" ($99 4 9/16" and $145 6 9/16")

Larger Jamb Sizes Available: 4 7/8", 6 9/16", 6 7/8" and/or Custom Sizes. (extra charges will apply).

Hinge Upgrades:
Ball-bearing hinges: (add $15 6' 8", add $20 8' 0")
(Oil Rubbed Bronze, Satin Nickel, Antique Bronze, Black)

**Double Doors include: ball catches. Lockable double doors requires a Astragal with flush bolts.. add $75

(Interior Doors are shipped knocked down on freight shipments)

Why Rabbet jambs
interior jambs available
  • Stronger
  • Easier to Install
  • More Durable
  • Commercial
  • No Maintenance
  • High Traffic Areas
  • Don't Forget to Order Your Quick Door Hangers
    $6 for a 6' 8" door and $8 for a 8' 0" door

    the quick door hanger
    6 Panel Maple 4 Panel Doors 2 Panel Doors 2 Panel Alder Doors Single Panel Doors 6 Panel Doors Oak Doors Fancy French Doors 15Lite French Doors Bi-Fold Doors Fire Rated Doors
    Why Buy Our Interior Doors?

    modern design and engineering process used
    for the highest quality construction and strength
    Modern Shaker Doors Designers love to use
    any 6' 8" add $159 each, any 8' 0" add $179 each
    Get your doors delivered factory Pre-Finished. Choose any color (we match colors too) no mess, no hassle!
    Includes: 20 step process, hand sanded, filler, hand sand, UV color choice, hand sanded, Sealer coat, more hand sanding, more sealer, and more sanding, 2 UV protectant coats, and Polished. The Jambs Finished to match or choose White Primer.

    See our Finishing Process

    Questions? To Order Call 219-663-2279 (Sales)

    We Make Custom Entry Doors and Glass Very Reasonable Pricing too! Call us for a quote 1-219-663-2279

    Chicagoland Wood Doors Showroom is Open in Crown Point, Indiana - Dealers Welcome

    Send us Finished Photos
    Get $100 Amazon Gift Card
    ( doors only)

    door hinges
    Finishing and Staining
    for your Wood Doors

    wood door finishing
    Handlesets, Levers
    Locks and Deadbolts

    door handles
    Interior Casing
    Baseboard, Crown and more

    interior casing
    Is your door
    Right or Left Handed?

    Operable Sidelights
    Venting Sidelites

    Operable Sidelites
    3 Point Locks - Multi-point Door Locking System
    multipoint locks
    Measure Your Doors
    Rough Opening

    Measure Your Doors
    Nick's Building Supply, Inc.
    11100 Broadway Crown Point, IN 46307
    ● Phone: 219-663-2279
    Copyright © 1999-2025 Nicks Building Supply, Inc. All rights reserved.
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