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Exterior Doors, Entry Doors, Wood Doors, Garage Doors. Competitors Try But Cannot Beat our Prices.

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Copper Exterior Doors with Sidelights

The Lattice with Sidelights
Pre-finished African Mahogany on the inside and Clear Insulated Glass Sidelights

copper door exterior with sidelights
6' 8" Only $9659
8' 0" Only $14058

plus freight shipping and 3 Point Door Lever
Door Size Unit Size Rough Opening Masonry Opening
3' 0" x 6' 8" 69" x 83 3/4" 70" x 84 3/4" 71 1/2" x 85"
3' 0" x 8' 0" 69" x 100" 70" x 101" 71 1/2" x 101 1/4"

Door Specifications: Copper Clad Exterior Wood Door with African Mahogany Wood on the Inside, Jambs and Interior Casing.
3 Point Locking Mechanism is included. Dual Weather-stripping and Door Seal design.

copper door angle view copper doors with sidelights and clear glass  copper door sidelight closeup
Lattice Copper Door Closeup showing texture copper doors has Mahogany on Inside copper doors exterior with Mahogany Inside
copper doors have adjustable hinges copper exterior doors door sweep

Copper exterior doors are fastly becoming a popular favorite choice among upscale builders
Interested? call for more info on these precision handcrafted Copper Doors
Call 219-663-2279


Copper Doors: A Beautiful Alternative

A beautiful and distinctive part of what we offer, our copper-clad doors will transform the entrance to your home. With copper on all exposed exterior surfaces, and your choice of pre-finished hard wood on the inside, copper doors give presence and add prestige to any home. We can custom press your choice of pattern into the copper, and we offer a wide variety of door styles and sizes to best suit your needs.

All of our copper doors, as with others we offer, come with a multi-point locking system, complete with a commercial grade lever and cylinder.

Why Copper?

  • Copper has been used in architecture for thousands of years and has stood the test of time. It can weather harsh elements, and its natural beauty will only improve with age as it acquires a patina and adjusts to the environmental conditions.
  • Copper is the perfect partner for wood, as it is a natural fungicide. It is actually used in many wood preservatives.
  • Copper doors are rapidly gaining popularity among high-end builders as they add to the perceived value of your home, and are a benefit when it comes to re-sale.

Why Us?

Nick's Building Supply has been selling quality doors for over 30 years. We are one of the leading wholesalers in America, shipping doors all over the country, and exporting to Canada and the UK, among others. We have one of the largest selections of stock doors available on the Internet - at competitive prices you'll find hard to match. And if you can't find what you're looking for from our extensive options, we will design and make a custom door to your specific requirements.

We Make Custom Entry Doors and Glass Very Reasonable Pricing too! Call us for a quote 1-219-663-2279

Chicagoland Wood Doors Showroom is Open in Crown Point, Indiana - Dealers Welcome

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door hinges
Finishing and Staining
for your Wood Doors

wood door finishing
Handlesets, Levers
Locks and Deadbolts

door handles
Interior Casing
Baseboard, Crown and more

interior casing
Is your door
Right or Left Handed?

Operable Sidelights
Venting Sidelites

Operable Sidelites
3 Point Locks - Multi-point Door Locking System
multipoint locks
Measure Your Doors
Rough Opening

Measure Your Doors
Nick's Building Supply, Inc.
11100 Broadway Crown Point, IN 46307
● Phone: 219-663-2279
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