Choosing a species of wood for any construction project is difficult. So many beneficial and beautiful species exist that it’s hard to pick just one. When it comes to exterior doors, there are additional factors to consider, such as light, moisture, and invasive vermin. As a result, many homeowners feel lost and wonder what wood is best for garage doors. While almost any species will work, there are three that are very popular among builders.
Benefits of Alder Wood
When it comes to a stunning and rustic aesthetic, look no further than knotty alder. This species typically comes in golden hues that highlight deep knots throughout a door’s surface. It’s the perfect look for fans of the great outdoors. Anyone looking to show off in a glance should consider shifting their quest for solid wood garage doors for sale to this species. Besides looking great, alder is also a highly sustainable species.
The trees are grown right here in the US among responsibly maintained forests that are designated for careful harvest. In other words, alder is a great pick for anyone interested in choosing a green option or supporting local forestry efforts. What’s more, this species is highly durable yet very lightweight, making it ideal for garage doors.
Benefits of Mahogany Wood
Choosing mahogany for your doors is like combing a Rolls Royce with a Dodge Ram. This species is as beautiful and luxurious as it gets, but it’s also very durable and made to last. Mahogany garage doors come in many rich and deep stains that emphasize the delicate beauty of the wood grain. The hardiness of this species means that once you buy a door made of this wood, you can be sure it will last a very long time. Woods this hardy require little maintenance, as well, making them an ideal choice for exterior doors.
Benefits of Cedar Wood
Besides being a tough species, cedar is best known for its insect-warding properties. For centuries, people have used cedar chips as a natural way to deter moths and other vermin within the home. The natural oils in the wood work in the same way as lighting a citronella candle—the smell is a signal to the insects to stay away. Any bug that tries to invade areas defended by cedar risks interacting with these natural insecticides.
Using cedar in construction confers this effect entirely. As a garage door, cedar creates a barrier between your possessions and the insect hordes at large. Even after years and years, bugs will not burrow into or eat away at doors made from this amazing and beautiful species of wood.
Ultimately, what wood is best for garage doors comes down to what each homeowner values most. Whether you are looking for a greener option, a certain look, or durability, there are many options and things to consider. In general, we recommend knotty alder or cedar for beauty and low maintenance. Mahogany, however, is still a very popular choice for homeowners looking for that extra visual oomph.