Should Door Handles and Knobs Match the Hinges?

Your home’s design is a mix of your attention to its layout and the smaller details. From your couch’s location to your carpet’s color, you should consider several factors when diving into the interior design world. People either look forward to that kind of work or dread the pickiness of their brains. These are helpful things to consider for those wondering whether the door handles and knobs should match the hinges.

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10 Fall Exterior Door Decoration Ideas for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a time you should spend with your loved ones. The more that comforting air lingers about the home, the easier it is to relax and focus on holiday events with the family. While getting the mood right is sometimes tricky, it’s important to remember that it’s less about perfection and more about effort. For those looking for a way to let their house shine in the fall season, it’s worth considering these 10 fall exterior door decoration ideas for Thanksgiving.

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